Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Education information


Every child has the right to learn. Its their Rights 

The right to learn is a component of a child's right to education. However, education does not lead to learning for too many children worldwide.

Despite the fact that two thirds of them are enrolled in school, over 600 million children worldwide are unable to meet the minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics. Foundational literacy and numeracy skills are more difficult to acquire for children who do not attend school.

There are many reasons why children don't get an education. One of the most persistent obstacles is poverty. Children who live in economic instability, political instability, conflict, or a natural disaster are more likely to miss school, as are those from ethnic minorities, those with disabilities, and those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Girls still have very few opportunities for education in some countries.

Many students find it difficult to learn even in schools because there aren't enough qualified teachers, there aren't enough learning materials, and the infrastructure is bad. Some students are unable to benefit from their lessons because they are too tired, sick, or hungry to attend class.

A growing digital divide is adding to these disparities: The lack of an internet connection in the homes of most school-aged children restricts their opportunities to learn and develop their skills.

Children face significant obstacles to later employment if they do not receive a high-quality education. They are less likely to participate in decisions that affect them and more likely to suffer negative health outcomes, putting their ability to shape a better future for themselves and their societies in jeopardy.

Find out more About Us Education is a fundamental human right. UNICEF works in 147 countries to provide high-quality educational opportunities that equip children and adolescents with the knowledge and abilities they need to succeed. We emphasize:

Access that is fair: No matter who a child or adolescent is or where they live, they must all have equitable and inclusive access to high-quality education and skill development. We target children who are excluded from education and learning due to gender, disability, poverty, ethnicity, language, or other factors.

Quality education: Our efforts to bridge the gap between what students learn and what they need to succeed in their communities and in future jobs must center on outcomes. In order to provide students with high-quality education, it is necessary to provide them with instruction in languages they can comprehend as well as to provide them with a secure and welcoming setting. Education outcomes must also be monitored and incorporated into instruction.

Education in times of need: Educational assistance is urgently required for children affected by conflict, natural disasters, and displacement. Not only do crises halt children's learning, but they also reverse their progress. In numerous crises, UNICEF is the biggest supplier of instructive help all through compassionate reaction, working with UNHCR, WFP and different accomplices.

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